also see:

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

5/24/15 at the DUTCH FESTIVAL, LONG BEACH CALIFORNIA + Biblical INspiration

 5/24/15 at the DUTCH FESTIVAL,
 ...FOR those of us Americans with Dutch ancestory, there's a Dutch club here in Los Angeles that holds some Dutch events every year, this is one of them, the annual festival in May . I myself am originally from west Michigan where we have the annual Dutch Tulip Festival in Holland, MI, which includes a parade, a real windmill from the Netherlands, and all the food & various other festivities, so this seems small in comparison, but nonetheless it is nice to fellowship with a few other Dutch-Americans. Also they include "Indo-Dutch" (ie those of Dutch persuasion because of the Dutch territory in Indonesia (ie "Dutch East Indies", see

... Voor degenen onder ons Amerikanen met Nederlandse ancestory, is er een Nederlandse club hier in Los Angeles dat sommige Nederlandse evenementen per jaar, dit is een van hen, de jaarlijkse festival mei houdt. Ikzelf ben oorspronkelijk uit het westen Michigan waar we de jaarlijkse Nederlandse Tulip Festival in Holland, MI, die een parade, een echte windmolen uit Nederland, en al het eten en diverse andere festiviteiten omvat, dus dit lijkt klein in vergelijking, maar niettemin het is leuk om de gemeenschap met een paar andere Nederlands-Amerikanen. Ook zij omvatten "Indo-Nederlandse" (dwz die van de Nederlandse overtuiging vanwege de Nederlands grondgebied in Indonesië 

 this fellow had a stand for indo-Dutch

 she also represented the Indo-Dutch and educated me a bit about the subject
also see 

 lots of "dutch orange" 
shirts & hats etc for sale

"We proclaim Jesus, admonishing & teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we present everyone perfect in Christ."
Colossians 1:28

 i talked a bit with this lady who runs the Dutch school  (2 of them in southern California)...apparently they teach the kids in the Dutch language 
for recent immigrants

salty dutch licorice is a favorite 
candy for a lot of dutchmen...this was being sold by the bellflower dutch market ("holland-american store") which I thought had gone out of business (their location on artesia avenue was closed) but apparently they just moved to a new location
(9835 Belmont)
read about the closing 
of the old location at

(the owner, ironically, is Mexican)

Oma's Dutch Cookies 

...this guy looked like a total Dutch boy...with the blonde hair...unfortunately I cut his head off...his whole family had the stereotypical blonde Dutch look, ...he might have a twin as well..I thought i saw two of him later on..they sell waffle-cookies...and live in Lake Forest...last name Muhlenberg (a familiar Dutch name to me...I grew up in a Dutch-American communtiy..most names were of the Dutch variety,...he said their family came to USA from Netherlands seven years ago..
see their website at

I tried the Kroket

they also had music and dancing

this looks similar to the Dutch boy they have on a restaurant sign called Russ' where
 i grew up in west Michigan 
the festival was held at the gigantic El Dorado Park of Long Beach, CA , on the northern end near the police academy...
they call it "police park"

[Jesus said,] "I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep & my sheep know me - just as the Father knows me & I know the Father - & I lay down my life for the sheep."  
John 10:14-15

“The Son of Man came to seek
and to save what was lost.”
Luke 19:10