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Friday, July 10, 2015


so I happened to be at the getty museum today and realized it was right next to where Donald Trump is speaking tonight @ the Luxe I passed by as I was leaving the Getty and didn't say many, if any, protestors, but I saw a LOT of news trucks..this was around 3pm, maybe too early for the protestors.
By the way, I like Trump's bold style, even if he might say things in a way that gets intentionally or unintentionally misinterpreted. Surely, nobody thinks that a man of Trump's intelligence thinks ALL Mexicans are rapists. He didn't say that or imply it, and doesn't think it. He was just warning that with so many immigrants coming into the country it will inevitably include some criminals, as we see what happened recently in san Francisco (woman murdered in cold blood by a man who was deported x5, and yet kept coming back). I live in Los Angeles and when I encounter a nice Latino who is respectful towards me I appreciate it, and I take each person of every color on a one-by-one basis.
Let's face it, however, ..we ALL know that the more people of any shape, size, or color we put in a small area the more chances for problems arise. Traffic increases, lines are longer, prisons are more crowded, more resources must be allocated for poverty alleviation and job creation and training, and the list goes on,.  We are a country of immigrants and that's good, ..we are a melting pot, but we must do so diligently & carefully, not just open up the doors and say "come on in" to every person and sink the boat . It sounds nice, but ultimately it is not doing them or ourselves a favor if we don't have the resources and infrastructure to handle it.